Tessie's Blogg

Jag ar 29 ar och bloggar om mitt liv, min vardag, mina intressen och drommar vilket inkluderar shopping, klader, resor, traning, LCHF, heminredning, mat och vin. Jag jobbar inom finans och bor pa Jersey, en o utanfor Frankrikes kust.

09 May 2012

My hotmail account has been hacked...

.. or something.... so annoying!!!! Just notice that I received a lot of out of office messages and saw in my sent box that my hotmail account has sent emails to everyone in my contacts saying:

I lost 18lbs with this‏

Do not open this email if you have received one from me, it is a spam and will infect your emails too... Why do people come up with spams... so annoying and embarrassing when it emails work connections, old boyfriends, old bosses, etc.... I have now deleted all my contacts from my addressbook so that it can't send out any more messages and also I have changed my hotmail password which is also a pain because I need to re-set up hotmail on computer, iphone, ipad..... I am soo much happier with my gmail account (my new email).

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